Lower abdominal pain in early pregnancy: deciphering and natural treatments

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes major changes. In addition to the growing belly and common complaints such as nausea, certain symptoms can worry the mother-to-be. These include lower abdominal pain, especially at the beginning of pregnancy.

Although often not serious, it is essential to identify pelvic and abdominal pain so that it can be relieved. Once the pregnant woman has ruled out any serious form of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy, she can turn to natural solutions to soothe her pain.

Les Laboratoires Téane, concerned about the well-being of future mothers, give you their advice on how to recognise lower abdominal pain during pregnancy. We also present our Generous Soothing Oil, ideal for relieving feelings of tightness and itching.

Is it normal to have lower abdominal pain in early pregnancy ?

Lower abdominal pain during pregnancy is common. They change over the months and are usually harmless. However, it is important to understand your pain and act accordingly.

Pelvic pain in pregnancy

Pregnancy pain is similar to a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen. Mostly felt during the first trimester, it is due to the increase in the size of the uterus. As the baby settles in, it moves up into your abdomen and compresses the organs around it, including your bladder and bowels. This explains your more frequent urination and spasms.

In addition, the ligaments and muscles in the uterus are working to support the growing uterus. This is what causes pelvic pain and a feeling of a "pulling" belly. This distension of the ligaments will develop throughout your pregnancy. Aided by pregnancy hormones such as Relaxin, your uterus and pelvis prepare for delivery, causing pain and discomfort for the mother-to-be.

Abdominal pain in early pregnancy

In addition to pelvic pain, a pregnant woman may experience abdominal pain. This can be caused by a urinary tract infection, constipation, stress, but also by the threat of miscarriage, premature delivery or ectopic pregnancy.

Whatever the cause, abdominal pain during pregnancy always requires urgent medical attention. So if you feel pain in your lower abdomen, you should make an appointment with your gynaecologist or midwife.

Your doctor will carry out tests to identify the cause of the pain and the appropriate medical treatment :

  • Clinical examination: duration of pain, intensity, location...
  • Gynaecological examination: stomach ache with other symptoms (white discharge, itching, burning, etc.)
  • Ultrasound to ensure that your foetus or baby is healthy

Other lower abdominal pain during pregnancy

Other lower abdominal pains accompany pregnancy. They are quite common in pregnant women, but not serious. However, they should be relieved or treated :

  • Braxton contractions : these can occur as early as the second trimester of pregnancy and are a sign that your body is slowly preparing for the arrival of your baby. They are called "sequential" contractions and are different from labour contractions. Pregnant women experience 10 to 12 of them per day, irregularly and without pain. If you do not feel them, you should consult a doctor.

  • Constipation : This is one of the most common complaints during pregnancy. It is caused by a slowing down of the bowel movement and can cause pain in the stomach. It is advisable to drink plenty of fluids and walk around a bit each day to stimulate your bowel movements.

  • Urinary tract infections : As the uterus puts pressure on the bladder, the mother-to-be urinates often, but without completely emptying her bladder. As a result, bacteria stagnate and cause infections. Urinary tract infections cause pain when you urinate and heaviness in the lower abdomen. It is essential that you take medical treatment to avoid complications such as premature delivery.

When to worry about pregnancy belly pain ?

Lower abdominal pain in early or late pregnancy should always be taken seriously. Some symptoms in early pregnancy can be a sign of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy and premature delivery if experienced in the second or third trimester of pregnancy :

  • Severe lower abdominal pain
  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Fever
  • Sudden nausea
  • Severe lower abdominal cramps
  • Dizziness
  • Unusual discharge (colour, smell, quantity)

If you experience any of these symptoms, you should see your doctor or midwife urgently. Although these symptoms and lower abdominal pain during pregnancy do not always indicate a serious problem, it is important that you consult your doctor.

How to relieve lower abdominal pain in early pregnancy ?

Constipation, stomach aches, ligament or muscle pains, there are solutions to relieve these little discomforts. Here are our tips for taking care of yourself and reducing lower abdominal pain during your pregnancy.

  • Against constipation and stomach ache : watch your diet by favouring foods rich in fibre and avoiding those that are too fatty. Drink at least 1.5 litres of water a day, choosing water rich in minerals. Engage in light physical activity, as a sedentary lifestyle accelerates the slowing down of transit.

  • Against Urinary Tract Infections : the first thing to do is to keep yourself sufficiently hydrated. The medical profession recommends drinking at least 1.5 litres of water every day. The aim is to urinate regularly to prevent germs from stagnating in the bladder. Avoid wearing tight clothes and eat Cranberries, which are very effective berries.

  • Against ligament pain : this pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy is felt especially during the first trimester. To alleviate them, make sure you change your posture regularly and lie on your side when you are lying down. The use of a cushion can allow you to adopt a comfortable position for your belly and your legs.

  • Against contractions : these pains are of muscular origin and there is no miracle solution. However, rest is essential. Do not make any physical effort and avoid travelling by car.

Tightness in the lower abdomen in early pregnancy and itching

In addition to the lower abdominal pain at the beginning of pregnancy, the pregnant woman sometimes feels tightness and itching on her stomach. These symptoms are not serious, but they are mainly unpleasant for the mother-to-be. Tightness and itching on the lower abdomen are the result of the stretching of the skin. There are several everyday gestures that can help relieve them :

  • Take warm showers or baths to limit the drying of the skin
  • Use a mild, soap-free cleansing gel
  • Don't scratch your belly as this can make the symptoms worse
  • Moisturise your stomach and the rest of your body every day, or even several times a day

To help you take care of yourself during pregnancy, Téane Laboratories have developed 100% natural and organic skin care products. Cosmetics that respect your skin and gently nourish it.

Find on our online shop all our range of products for pregnant women and in particular our oil against tightness and itching of pregnancy :

Generous Soothing Oil : it nourishes your skin and makes it supple thanks to a synergy of organic oils. It also helps to fight against the appearance of stretch marks.

You can also find all our cosmetics for mothers-to-be that take care of your skin during your pregnancy!

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