Eczema patches: recognising and treating dermatitis

Red patches on the skin, intense itching, rough skin, what if it's eczema? 1 in 5 babies suffer from eczema and dry skin . Not dangerous, this skin inflammation is recognized by the appearance of red eczema patches . The severe itching they cause is very uncomfortable, which can disrupt your children's sleep and eating. It is therefore essential to calm eczema flare-ups with targeted and appropriate care. Find all our advice on eczema patches and discover our 100% natural products to relieve atopic dermatitis in babies and mothers.

How to recognize eczema patches?

Eczema is a skin disease called dermatitis that appears as skin lesions in the form of plaques. This inflammation of the skin causes severe itching and affects both children and adults. Although harmless, eczema patches must nevertheless be treated to relieve the discomfort it causes.

Eczema plaques mainly manifest themselves in 2 forms:

  1. Contact eczema : this skin problem follows an allergic reaction. It is easily recognizable since the eczema patches will be limited to the areas that come into contact with the allergen. In this case, it is appropriate to identify the allergen responsible in order to avoid a new outbreak of eczema.

Be careful , the reaction may be a simple irritation and not a flare-up of eczema due to an allergic reaction. The symptoms are similar causing the same type of lesion. In all cases, you must consult an allergist doctor in order to identify the cause of the inflammation and treat the plaques.

  1. Atopic eczema : 10 to 15% of children who have eczema have what is called atopic eczema. They can appear very young as early as 3 months and continue until adolescence or even adulthood. These attacks are called atopic , because they are the cause of several environmental factors and genetic predispositions (atopies):

There are several characteristic symptoms of eczema flare-ups:

  • Dry skin
  • Red plaques
  • Rashes
  • Rough skin
  • Itching

Where do eczema patches develop? Concerning contact eczema , its development is limited to the points of contact with the allergen. Atopic eczema is more characteristic, since it appears on several areas of the body which differ depending on age:

  • In babies , eczema usually develops on the face, scalp, legs and arms .
  • In children over 2 years old , eczema patches appear on the elbows, behind the knees, ears, wrists, ankles and hands.
  • In adolescents and adults , atopic eczema occurs on the neck, head, shoulders and chest.

Our natural products for atopic eczema

baby eczema cream

Emollient cream


eczema washing gel

Cleansing Gentleness


baby eczema oil

Multi-care oil



What causes eczema?

So-called contact eczema is caused by an allergic reaction. It is therefore the consequence of an interaction with an allergen which causes skin irritation. As soon as the allergen is removed, the eczema attacks calm down within a few days.

Around 50% of children who develop patches of so-called atopic eczema have a parent who suffers from or has suffered from eczema. This predisposition to atopy then promotes eczema flare-ups in the presence of certain environmental factors:

  • Sweat
  • Immune deficiency
  • Ambient air too dry
  • Temperature too high
  • Synthetic or wool fabrics
  • Chlorine (swimming pool)
  • Irritating soap

A non-exhaustive list, because there is no absolute certainty about all the causes of eczema . For example, stress and anxiety can also cause eczema flare-ups . Its diagnosis must be made by a health professional during a clinical examination. Note that allergy tests will be performed if the doctor suspects contact eczema to determine the allergen in question.

How do eczema patches develop?

France has around 2.5 million people suffering from eczema, 7% of whom are children under 7 years old. It is common to see eczema flare-ups in toddlers which often diminish over time. But in some cases, this atopic manifestation lasts into adulthood.

Concretely, episodes of eczema result in different stages and evolve over time:

  1. Dry skin
  2. An appearance of small red patches in several places on the body
  3. Severe itching
  4. An emergence of small vesicles

If eczema flare-ups are not treated quickly, you may then notice oozing which results from the rupture of the blisters. As a result, small crusts form on the skin in a clearly visible manner. The itching will then accelerate and cause real discomfort in your baby with sleeping and eating disorders.

In the case of contact eczema , it is also essential to find the responsible allergen and treat this skin disease. Otherwise, your child may develop chronic contact eczema which will affect their skin and health by exposing them to more or less serious complications:

  • Bacterial superinfection : by scratching eczema patches, the skin can be contaminated by staphylococcus and cause impetigo
  • Erythroderma : eczema lesions spread all over the body and are accompanied by fever and chills
  • Dyshidrosis also called bullous eczema : deep blisters form on the feet and hands

What treatment for eczema?

Treatment for eczema is essential to relieve your child and avoid complications. If you observe typical symptoms of eczema, you should consult a doctor. He will then be able to identify the type of eczema and direct you towards appropriate treatment.

However, the medical profession generally prescribes a cortisone cream . Although its effect is formidable on itching and inflammation, its action is short-lived.

You must therefore adapt daily actions with your baby to relieve irritation and prevent the appearance of new patches of eczema . Indeed, long-term treatment is essential to limit inflammatory reactions:

  • Moisturize your baby's skin daily
  • Use a soap-free cleansing base
  • Favor showers
  • Dry your little one's skin well
  • Choose cotton clothing and linens
  • Pay attention to the cleaning products you use and your laundry

To help mothers and fathers take care of their babies, Laboratoires Téane are working to develop 100% natural recipes. Our cosmetics respect the fragile skin of little ones and adapt perfectly to atopic skin .

Our Organic Emollient Face & Body Cream is perfectly suited to relieving skin prone to atopic eczema . Developed from Cassia Alata, a plant with a thousand virtues, this creamy cream contains a restorative and anti-inflammatory active ingredient. Applied locally twice a week, it helps fight the symptoms of severe eczema.

Also find on our online store a complete range to take care of baby's fragile skin. In addition to the emollient cream, our Derma baby range is particularly recommended for relieving and treating dry skin prone to atopic eczema:

  • La Douceur Lavante : a gel without soap or irritant to gently wash baby's skin and hair.
  • Multi-care Oil : a synergy of oils enriched with essential fatty acids which deeply hydrates the skin, calms irritation and itching.

Appropriate actions and care can treat eczema flare-ups and relieve your baby. A little care ritual to integrate into children's daily lives to limit the appearance of eczema patches and atopic skin .

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