Eczema on baby's face: causes and natural solutions

In babies, the face is the area most affected by eczema . Baby scratches, squirms and has difficulty falling asleep? If eczema remains a benign skin disease, the inflammation caused is very uncomfortable for little ones. Babies are more affected by skin problems like erythema, seborrheic dermatitis, infant acne or peeling skin. Atopic eczema affects 15 to 20% of babies. It is essential to treat eczema attacks with daily, natural and appropriate care. Discover our advice and our pretty treatment box with the essentials to treat and relieve baby eczema of the face and body!

What causes eczema on the face?

The face is often the first area affected by eczema in babies. Although the causes of eczema are diverse, babies' facial skin is very sensitive and very permeable to external aggressions. The water evaporates creating dry skin causing dehydration and dry patches .

Until the age of 3, the epidermis of a child's face is immature with a fragile skin barrier. Result: the skin does not perform its barrier function, the skin of the baby's face is not protected and receptive to pollution and allergens. When it feels attacked, the skin reacts and the body triggers eczema on the face as an immune defense.

Beyond genetic predisposition, the child's environment, diet and hygiene have a direct influence on eczema attacks. Babies with atopic skin also have a more favorable allergic environment.

How to recognize infant eczema on the face?

A baby's facial eczema can manifest itself with various symptoms and develops in flare-ups. This can be redness, itching, scabs, red patches, dry patches, and sometimes even small fluid-filled blisters. These symptoms vary depending on the stage of inflammation . In the event of an eczema attack, it is even possible to see lesions on the baby's face and patches that may bleed. All areas of the face can be affected:

  • Cheeks
  • Forehead
  • The chin
  • Around the eyes and on the eyelids

Beyond the visible side, eczema is also very uncomfortable for your baby. It causes itching, irritation and disrupts sleep: your little one is in a “grumpy” mood, scratches, squirms or rubs his face!

This is why it is crucial to identify eczema! If you notice persistent symptoms, it is important to consult your doctor or pediatrician for an accurate diagnosis. In the meantime, you can relieve your baby's facial eczema by adopting a gentle, natural skincare routine.

Solutions to clean and treat baby's facial eczema

Baby's face is a very messy area ( sweat, drool, regurgitation). Remember to clean it several times a day with water and an allergen-free cleanser! To soothe your baby's facial eczema, turn to natural, allergen-free and hypoallergenic products so as not to further attack the skin.

Discover without further delay the dermo cosmetic range from Laboratoires Téane developed to relieve eczema in a 100% natural way with a range of hypoallergenic products :

  • Our gentle cleansing product : a cleansing product without aggressive surfactants to gently cleanse baby's face and body. A 2-in-1 cleansing gel that combines shampoo and shower gel in one product. This cleansing gel does not contain soap or any other irritating product;
  • Our emollient cream : a moisturizing cream, known to soften baby's skin and strengthen its protective skin barrier. It acts deeply directly on the cause of facial eczema. This emollient treatment helps reduce inflammation and redness. It is the ideal emollient treatment to relieve itching and thus prevent scratching of lesions. It reduces and spaces out eczematous outbreaks;
  • Our multi-care baby oil : it is perfect before and after bathing. In addition to wrapping your baby in a protective layer, it soothes, nourishes and relieves his delicate skin. It reduces skin dryness by providing the skin with essential fatty acids thanks to its richness in vegetable oils.

You might like these baby facial eczema products

baby face eczema cream

Emollient cream


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Cleansing Gentleness


baby face eczema oil

Multi-care oil


baby eczema product

Baby care box

€34.40 instead of €49.20


Our baby products offer a safe and effective solution to clean and relieve eczema on baby's face , while promoting their overall well-being! These products for fragile skin prone to eczema can be used in infants, babies and children. They can be used in addition to cortisone treatment or cream to calm skin inflammation and treat severe eczema.

To diagnose this skin disease, do not hesitate to contact a health professional such as a dermatologist or pediatrician.

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