The evolution of the belly during pregnancy

The evolution of the belly during pregnancy is a moment that is both expected and at the same time full of mysteries. If we are impatient to see it round out to confirm our pregnancy for all to see, many questions may arise! When does the belly become visible? Why does every woman carry her baby differently? Explore the secrets of how the belly changes throughout pregnancy , the nuances and our tips for pampering it, such as adopting an anti-stretch mark routine from the first weeks!

How does the belly change during pregnancy?

As your little treasure grows, your belly will round out to give him all the space he needs . But when will you be able to proudly show off your baby bump!

When does the belly become visible?

During the first trimester of pregnancy, your belly barely seems to change. If for some women, the belly becomes slightly visible at the start of pregnancy, for others nothing is visible to the naked eye, not even a slight swelling! Rest assured, this is completely normal: your uterus is just starting to prepare to welcome the baby, but it is still well hidden behind your other organs.

The second trimester is where things start to get interesting. Week after week, your belly begins to round out more obviously, especially between the third and fourth months of pregnancy ! However, every woman is different and the body has its own rhythm. Different physical aspects influence the evolution of the belly during pregnancy:

  • The position of the uterus
  • The number of pregnancies
  • The weight of the future baby
  • The body before pregnancy

The third trimester is where your belly is at its peak: bigger, rounder, it seems to take up all the space. Baby is growing and his development is accelerating, just like your uterus, which increases by around 0.5 cm each week ! The evolution of the belly during the last trimester of pregnancy is the most impressive.

What is the average weight gain during pregnancy?

The average weight gain during pregnancy varies from one mother-to-be to another . We generally talk about an ideal weight gain of between 11 and 16 kilos. But it depends on many factors including your height, your weight before pregnancy, etc. Our advice: don't worry too much about the numbers, each pregnancy is unique! And if a problem emerges, your gynecologist or midwife is there throughout your pregnancy to advise and guide you.

It is important to note that weight gain during pregnancy is normal and necessary for your baby's development. Part of this weight is due to your baby itself and the other part is attributable to factors such as amniotic fluid, placenta, enlarged tissues, etc.

And let's not forget the weight of the uterus which increases throughout the pregnancy to accommodate the baby. So, don't be surprised if you see the number on the scale steadily increasing over the course of these nine months. It's completely normal, I promise!

Does the stomach change depending on the day?

Yes, your stomach also changes throughout the day ! Your stomach is often rounder after meals and more swollen at the end of the day. This is due to digestion and sometimes water retention which builds up over time.

Did you know ? The positioning of your baby also affects the appearance of your stomach . In the first and second trimester, the stomach is high while as delivery approaches, the baby gradually descends into your pelvis to prepare for birth. The appearance of your stomach is therefore different with a more downward position!

Discover our anti-stretch mark products for the pregnant belly

pregnancy stretch mark cream

First Treatment Cream Stretch Marks


anti stretch mark pregnancy oil

Generous Soothing Oil



How does the stomach change depending on the number of pregnancies?

For a first pregnancy, your belly may be more toned, higher and take longer to be visible. For a second pregnancy, the muscles have already been stretched, so your belly generally rounds out sooner and you see a “lower-slung” belly. Clearly, the more pregnancies you experience, the sooner your belly will be visible . But this is not a generality, other factors come into consideration!

For many women, the first pregnancy is an exciting time full of surprises. Your belly is new, your skin is elastic and everything seems a little more magical. Remember to hydrate your stomach well to maintain elasticity and prevent stretch marks and sagging skin!

What about during a twin pregnancy? If you are expecting several babies, your belly will of course develop differently with faster weight gain. Your uterus must make room for several babies so its size changes much more quickly!

What are the different shapes of a pregnant woman's belly?

Ah, diversity! Your belly can take on all kinds of shapes during pregnancy: rounded, pointed, low, high, etc. In short, it is constantly evolving!

Some bellies are more rounded and symmetrical, while others may be more pointed or low. Each pregnant woman carries her baby differently, these variations depend on several factors:

  • The number of pregnancies
  • The stage of pregnancy
  • Baby position
  • Baby's movements throughout the day
  • The anatomy of the mother-to-be
  • The shape and position of the uterus

Does the shape of the belly predict the sex of the baby? You're carrying your baby very high, that's for sure, you're expecting a boy (or a girl)! Who hasn't heard or read that the shape of the belly can predict the sex of your future baby? Of course, there is nothing scientific about this, only the second trimester ultrasound will confirm with certainty whether you are expecting a little girl or a little boy.

Taking care of your belly naturally during pregnancy

At Laboratoires Téane, we know that your pregnant belly deserves the best. During pregnancy, your belly changes and the care you give it must adapt. Prevention, hydration and targeting are your assets to maintain beautiful skin during these nine months !

To take care of you, we have created a range of anti-stretch mark treatments based on natural ingredients, specially designed for future mothers.

  • For the first trimester of pregnancy, we recommend our 1st stretch mark treatment cream , certified organic. Natural active ingredients coupled with our patented Cassia Alata extract which acts on disorders caused by hormonal variations, boosts collagen production and protects elastin fibers;
  • In the second trimester of pregnancy, add our generous and soothing Anti-Stretch Mark Oil . In addition to strengthening the elasticity of your skin, it reduces itching and fights tightness and gives you a well-deserved moment of relaxation;
  • As soon as stretch marks appear, opt for our SOS Stretch Marks Balm . It targets stretch marks and repairs the skin.

Also remember to hydrate your skin during your pregnancy and after childbirth with our fresh firming milk . It contains natural active ingredients to firm the stomach after childbirth. It is also applied to all areas affected by sagging skin such as the chest or thighs.

By taking care of your belly naturally with our products, you can fully experience your pregnancy and motherhood. Because it is important to experience each stage of the evolution of your belly as a mother-to-be !

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