Co-sleeping with your baby

Co-sleeping, or even co-sleeping, is very widespread in China, Japan and even Switzerland and is beginning to develop more and more in France. Co-sleeping is simply making your baby sleep with you, either in the same room or in your bed. In France, the experts are not all in favor of sleeping babies in the same bed: the risk of suffocation is the main reason for this division. But then what should we think?


  • The benefits of co-sleeping
  • The disadvantages of co-sleeping
  • A few rules to follow

The benefits of co-sleeping

Closeness with her baby

The practice of co-sleeping would allow parents to create a bond with their baby. Sleeping close to your baby has a very reassuring side. If you worry about your baby very often, then he is close to you.


The benefits of breastfeeding for mothers and babies are well established. However, exclusive and prolonged breastfeeding is very low in France. In addition, if night feedings are interrupted because of fatigue, for example, the risk is that breastfeeding will become difficult in the future. Moreover, it is the night feedings where the production of prolactin, an important hormone for the production of milk) is the greatest. Studies have shown that mums who don't have to get up at night breastfeed 3 times longer than others. This proximity to her baby therefore promotes breastfeeding: you have little or no need to move around: your infant is right within your reach. You will fall asleep better and so will he!

baby products

The sleep

Your baby is close to you: you are more attentive and responsive to his needs. Being soothed, you will sleep better and longer, which also allows you to start the day on the right foot. Baby, meanwhile, will feel more protected and reassured. He would also have a better night by your side.

The disadvantages of co-sleeping

Co-sleeping has many benefits for the infant and its mother, but it also involves very significant risks that require special attention.

A choking hazard

Indeed, you must be very careful if you are in the same bed as your baby because there is a risk of suffocation for your baby. Avoid putting your baby under the duvet with you and a pillow nearby to reduce these risks.
In addition, avoid placing baby on the edge of the bed because he could fall during the night. The ideal would be to stick his bed to yours to have each his own little space. The extension of the bed is therefore a path to be preferred.

The intimacy of the couple

Pay attention to the intimacy of the couple if you make the baby sleep with you. The marital bed becomes the family bed. This may then create problems in the couple.

A few rules to follow

If you have decided to have baby sleep with you in your bed, there are a few rules to follow such as:

All intake of alcohol, drugs or sleeping pills is strongly discouraged: these substances alter your perception and could lead you into a heavy artificial sleep. Before falling asleep, place your baby on his back rather than his stomach. To further reduce the risk of suffocation, we advise you to remove the ears, wrap them: nothing should cover his head. If you have pets, it is best to exclude them from the family room.

The alternative

To conclude, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that babies sleep in the same room as you until they reach six months. Co-sleeping remains above all your choice. The couple must be in agreement: it is better not to impose it on the other.

Photo credit: Freepik

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