Pregnancy symptoms: everything you need to know!

Discovering a positive pregnancy test is a particularly emotional moment. All your emotions follow one another, between excitement, joy, anxiety and even curiosity. Many questions will in turn arise in your mind! Among these most frequent questions are those concerning symptoms linked to pregnancy : when do the famous pregnancy symptoms begin? Why do pregnancy symptoms come and go? What are the symptoms of pregnancy ? What is the main cause? So many questions... Today, we bring you all the answers!

In this blog article, we will comprehensively address all these essential aspects of pregnancy, highlighting the influence of hormonal changes and also addressing the subject of stretch marks linked to pregnancy.

And we will also present our two products for the prevention of stretch marks .

When do pregnancy symptoms start?

In most cases and for many women, the first signs of pregnancy appear around two weeks after conception. However, it is important to understand that these pregnancy symptoms vary greatly from one pregnant woman to another but also from one pregnancy to another. It is sometimes difficult to understand these different signals. Some women may experience symptoms within a few days of conception, while others may not experience them for several weeks. Don't worry if you don't notice any signs of pregnancy, it's entirely possible to still be pregnant!

What are the symptoms of pregnancy?

A pregnancy symptom is characterized as a physical change experienced by a woman that indicates that she could potentially be pregnant.

These symptoms are mainly caused by the hormonal changes that occur in the body after conception. Pregnancy symptoms can be different for every woman, but there are common and recognizable symptoms that can alert you, even before taking a pregnancy test. Here are a few below.

Common symptoms of pregnancy

  • Absence of periods or amenorrhea: during pregnancy, hormones naturally stop menstrual cycles. As the egg has been fertilized by a sperm, the uterus keeps its lining for the progress of the pregnancy. This mucous will then not be expelled in the form of periods.
  • Nausea and vomiting: the main cause would be hormonal changes with the influx of progesterone and estrogen. But stress and anxiety also play an important role.
  • A feeling of fatigue: fatigue is particularly felt in the first and last trimester. At the start of pregnancy, the production of the placenta and the proper development of the baby require a lot of energy. An iron deficiency can also increase this fatigue. At the end of pregnancy, sleep disorders and body weight can also be responsible for a feeling of increased fatigue.

  • Sensitivity in the chest: Hormonal variations are the cause of this sensitivity. This is because the level of female hormones (estrogen and progesterone) increases, which causes chest pain.

Pregnancy symptoms may also include:

  • Mood changes or swings: Hormones play a role in regulating emotional state. Being pregnant can cause mood swings from happy to sad in a short period of time.
  • Unusual food cravings: Hormonal fluctuations can influence and trigger specific food cravings (strawberries, pickles, tubs of ice cream, tomatoes, mayonnaise, ice cubes, etc.)
  • Vaginal bleeding (spotting): This bleeding is generally called “implantation bleeding”. This is light vaginal bleeding that can occur in some pregnant women about a week after conception, when the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus. These bleedings are often very light and short-lived. They are easily confused with shorter periods.

  • Headaches or migraines: During pregnancy, significant hormonal fluctuations can affect blood vessels and trigger headaches. Some pregnant women also suffer from migraines, which can be triggered by factors such as stress, fatigue, dehydration, hunger, hormonal changes…

  • Dizziness or dizziness: Iron deficiency (anemia) can cause dizziness and dizziness. During pregnancy, your blood vessels dilate and your blood volume increases, which can lead to lower blood pressure. Low blood pressure can also cause dizziness and dizziness.

  • Pain in the lower abdomen (pelvic and abdominal pain): Pain in the lower abdomen is quite common. During pregnancy, your uterus expands to accommodate the growing baby. This can cause the ligaments that support your uterus to stretch, which can cause abdominal pain, especially in your lower stomach. Hormonal changes can slow down the digestive process, which can lead to gas and bloating causing abdominal pain.
  • Constipation: A pregnant woman's transit is slowed down due to the increase in hormones, particularly progesterone.
  • A sensitivity or a certain distaste for different foods or smells: Always the fault of hormones! These hormones can influence your sensitivity to smells and tastes, which can make certain foods unpleasant. Morning sickness is common during pregnancy, and certain smells or foods can trigger nausea. As a result, your body may develop a distaste for these foods to avoid nausea.

These symptoms are normal and constitute physical changes that accompany pregnancy and vary from one woman to another in intensity and duration. Most of these pregnancy symptoms are often very uncomfortable, but are generally considered positive signs indicating a healthy pregnancy!

It is important to understand that the presence or absence of these different signs of pregnancy does not necessarily confirm a pregnancy. To confirm a future pregnancy, it is recommended to do a pregnancy test at home and confirm this test with a blood test in your medical analysis laboratory to detect pregnancy based on the hCG dosage (detectable in the blood from the 9th day following ovulation).

Why do pregnancy symptoms come and go?

Pregnancy symptoms may vary throughout the pregnancy , sometimes getting worse, sometimes getting better (and sometimes may disappear completely or partially). This imbalance is often linked to hormonal variations that occur throughout pregnancy. This is because hormones like estrogen and progesterone increase significantly during pregnancy, which can influence how some women feel.

The hormone hCG, produced by the placenta, increases rapidly during early pregnancy and is often associated with morning sickness. Indeed, certain symptoms may be more pronounced at certain times of the day. For example, morning sickness, although it can occur at any time of the day, is often more intense in the morning for many women. These fluctuations are normal and an integral part of the pregnancy process. Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy are often very unpleasant due to their frequency, duration, and impact on daily activities.

There are tips to combat this inconvenience:

  • Eat less but more often
  • Stay hydrated by drinking fluids throughout the day (prefer plain water, tea or herbal teas)
  • Avoid lying down immediately after eating
  • Avoid Trigger Foods and Smells

The main cause of stretch marks: hormonal variations

Hormonal variations can have visible effects on an expectant mother's body. Among these effects, stretch marks are very common in many pregnant women. In fact, it turns out that 50 to 70% of women experience the appearance of stretch marks during their first pregnancy. The cause of the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy is due to hormonal changes which degrade the quality of the skin and disrupt the structure of the skin. Associated with weight gain and stretching of the skin during pregnancy, the skin cracks when it can no longer withstand stretching. And a stretch mark appears!

The areas most affected by the appearance of stretch marks are often the stomach, breasts, hips and thighs. Hormonal changes are therefore also responsible for the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy and after childbirth.

In conclusion, pregnancy symptoms can vary from woman to woman and even from one pregnancy to another. Hormonal changes play a key role in the onset of these symptoms, which can come and go throughout pregnancy. If you have any questions or concerns about your pregnancy, do not hesitate to discuss them with your healthcare professional such as your midwife or gynecologist.

Discover our products against stretch marks

Our stretch mark prevention program is a duo composed of a First Treatment Stretch Mark Cream and a Generous Soothing Oil, each offering its specific benefits.

anti stretch mark cream

First Treatment Cream Stretch Marks


anti stretch mark oil

Generous Soothing Oil



The 1st Stretch Mark Treatment Cream acts deeply to counteract skin disorders linked to hormonal variations. It actively protects elastin fibers while stimulating collagen production, thus strengthening the skin's structure. In addition, its formula contains a patented Cassia Alata extract which actively and effectively prevents the appearance of stretch marks.

The generous soothing oil , enriched with essential fatty acids, improves the elasticity and suppleness of the skin, thus providing optimal comfort for pregnant women. It reduces feelings of itching and tightness, while deeply nourishing the skin.

These two combined products work in synergy to effectively prevent the appearance of stretch marks, while providing the skin with the care necessary to maintain its health.

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