Acupuncture and pregnancy: the benefits

Many women suffer from various ailments during their pregnancy and many medications are prohibited during this period. Acupuncture then offers an alternative solution not only to relieve them but also to prepare for childbirth.

Discover in this article the benefits of acupuncture during pregnancy! Can acupuncture help women get pregnant? Does acupuncture relieve pregnancy pain? What are the benefits of acupuncture after pregnancy? We will explain everything to you !

What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a traditional medicine originating from China. Its objective is to restore and rebalance the proper circulation of energy called QI in the body. It is based on the principle that an action carried out on energy impacts matter and therefore the body.

The placement of fine needles on energy points ( acupuncture points) located on the 12 meridians, connected to the internal organs, will help stimulate them and relieve ailments.

French jurisprudence considers acupuncture to be a medical act although its practice is not explicitly regulated. Doctors and dental surgeons can also practice it for procedures related to dental surgery. Please note that there are acupuncturist midwives which would allow you to benefit from pregnancy monitoring.

When to do pregnancy acupuncture? What benefits?

The benefits of acupuncture are numerous at any stage of pregnancy and will help treat certain discomforts during this period. Depending on the diagnosis established by the healthcare professional, several sessions may be recommended.

Before pregnancy

Acupuncture improves fertility in women and men. It supports the preparation of the woman's body as part of a natural conception or in a medically assisted procreation (MAP) process. He can :

  • Regulate the menstrual cycle by promoting more regular cycles and increasing cervical mucus;
  • Help women get pregnant by improving the quality of eggs and increasing blood circulation to the ovaries and uterus to promote embryo attachment;
  • Improve the success of artificial inseminations (AI) and in-vitro fertilization (IVF) by supporting treatments in ovarian stimulation and improving the thickening and quality of the endometrium. It helps increase blood flow to the uterus to promote implantation of the embryo.
  • Help men stimulate the production and quality of their sperm ;
  • Allow you to stop smoking before becoming pregnant;
  • Act on anxiety and improve sleep .

During pregnancy

Pregnancy is unfortunately often accompanied by many ailments. Acupuncture during pregnancy is therefore a natural alternative that can remedy this by relieving and treating these:

  • Miscarriages: Prevent and reduce the risk of miscarriage;
  • Circulation problems : restoring proper blood circulation can soothe the sensations of heavy legs , common during pregnancy
  • Sleep disorders : acupuncture can help you fall asleep by reducing insomnia, nightmares, fatigue or even hypersomnia!
  • Digestive disorders : nausea, vomiting, constipation, heartburn, common during pregnancy, can be relieved by acupuncture
  • Back, pelvic, rib and sciatica pain: increased weight weighs on the woman's back and can cause pain that acupuncture can relieve
  • Emotional difficulties : stress, anxiety or even depression are sensations that can be felt at any time during pregnancy. Acupuncture can help you find some relief by restoring energy in your body

At the end of pregnancy

Acupuncture can also prepare the body for the end of pregnancy. In fact, the method will soften the cervix and even stimulate it to help it start labor. There is no artificial/medicalized trigger but rather a natural body aid. Additionally, acupuncture:

  • Turn the baby in the event of fetal malposition : it sometimes happens that the baby is in breech position, that is to say by the feet or buttocks and not by the head. This is why women can use acupuncture to turn baby the right way!
  • Prepares for childbirth: Promotes and prepares relaxation of the perineum in order to prevent tears
  • Reduces the duration of labor on the day of delivery by reducing and regulating pain linked to contractions and softening the cervix.
  • Acts on the stress felt before the baby's arrival

After childbirth

The benefits of this alternative method are not over! Indeed, acupuncture provides support after pregnancy to treat:

  • Baby blues : your emotions have been turned upside down and depression can occur a few weeks after the birth of your baby. An acupuncture session can help you get through this difficult time
  • Pain related to childbirth : acupuncture intervenes on pain in the perineum, uterine trenches and treats hemorrhoids
  • Possible difficulties during breastfeeding : acupuncture will act on lactation by stimulating it or helping with weaning
  • Fatigue : nights can be difficult after giving birth and getting back to restful sleep is not easy. Acupuncture can help you calm your mind and get back into a sleep rhythm that will eliminate fatigue
  • Healing : acupuncture can be effective in helping the body heal following an episiotomy or cesarean section

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Contraindication of acupuncture?

The practice of acupuncture reveals no contraindications. It is a natural and safe method for mother and baby. However, we advise you to consult your doctor so that he can provide you with further information.

Acupuncture remains a medical procedure that must be performed by a qualified health professional.

How does an acupuncture session take place?

Generally speaking, an acupuncture session first begins by establishing an interview to assess your needs. Acupuncture will then highlight the points to be stimulated to address your problem and the number of sessions required.

The rest of the session is intended for the placement of the needles. The latter, very thin and single-use, are obviously not dangerous for baby and you will only feel a slight sensation which will disappear very quickly. The spots on the feet can be a little more annoying, however. Generally, the pose lasts 20 to 30 minutes and a feeling of relaxation will be felt at its end.

Acupuncture is an ideal alternative medical method for relieving pain before, during and even after pregnancy. Effective in regaining a good balance, acupuncture should not replace a medical visit but rather complement it.

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