Return to diaper: get through this stage well

After childbirth and the first moments with baby, the question of returning to diapers arises. Many young mothers wonder when this stage occurs, how to recognize it? The return of the first post-pregnancy period occurs on average 6 to 8 weeks after childbirth : a time frame that varies from one woman to another. Breastfeeding, contraception, cesarean section, several factors affect your return to childbirth. To help you get through this stage well, we answer all your questions. Also discover our advice and postpartum care to take care of your body!

What is diaper return?

The return of diapers simply refers to the return of your first period after childbirth . If the adage says that the body takes 9 months to make and 9 months to undo, when it comes to getting your menstrual cycle back to normal, that takes a little time too!

Your body needs time to recover and readjust after pregnancy and returning to diapers is an important step in the postpartum period. It takes several weeks before you see your period return.

Just after the birth of your child, you notice blood loss called 'lochia'. This is a vaginal discharge composed of blood, mucus and uterine tissue that lasts four to six weeks. If this may make you think of the return of diaper, these discharges are very different: bright red the first days, they become pinkish and yellowish after a few days!

So lochia or rebirth? If bleeding suddenly resumes after a period of no discharge, it is probably due to menstruation and not lochia. If you have any doubts or concerns, do not hesitate to consult your healthcare professional.

When does diaper return arrive?

The return of the diaper generally takes place 6 to 8 weeks after giving birth . However, this time remains an average and varies from one woman to another. While each body is different, there are also factors that directly influence the resumption of menstruation:

  • Breastfeeding: if you breastfeed your baby, your return to labor may be delayed, because breastfeeding stimulates the production of the hormone prolactin which delays ovulation;
  • Hormonal factors: each woman is different in terms of hormonal response, which more or less influences the return to a 'normal' cycle;
  • Individual factors: age, genetic predispositions, menstrual cycle history, general health, etc. ;
  • Lifestyle: fatigue, stress, smoking, diet, all factors that impact the duration of your return to bed;
  • Taking hormonal contraception: periods may return irregularly or be delayed, depending on the type of pill used.

You still haven't returned from your diaper? After several weeks, if your period has still not returned, we advise you to consult your gynecologist or doctor. Even if you're breastfeeding or taking hormonal birth control, it's important to rule out any underlying issues like an infection!

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How does the diaper return go?

Going back to bed is accompanied by various changes, both physical and emotional. It is important to know these signs to better manage them and not worry unnecessarily.

For many women, the first period after childbirth is heavier and accompanied by more intense cramps . This is completely normal and will regularize over the cycles. The same goes for the duration of returning to childbirth: some women return to a regular cycle quickly, while for others, you have to wait a few months.

Who says resumption of menstruation, says hormonal fluctuations with its small share of inconveniences. The first period postpartum is often accompanied by mood changes, fatigue, abdominal pain: symptoms similar to premenstrual syndrome.

Our advice : during this period of returning to childbirth, it is important to take care of yourself, to listen to your body and not to hesitate to consult a health professional in case of doubt or worrying symptoms. A healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and moderate exercise, can also help you cope better with these internal upheavals.

Taking care of yourself while returning from diapers

What if it were possible to experience your return from confinement and your post-partum period with gentleness and kindness? Here are some tips to help you take care of your body, but also your mind

  • Hydration and diet : Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and eat a balanced diet rich in nutrients. This will help your body recover and maintain your energy, especially if you are breastfeeding;
  • Rest and relaxation : Rest is essential, so try to sleep when your baby is sleeping and don't overexert yourself. Take time to relax, whether through meditation, reading or simply taking a warm bath;
  • Targeted care : to take care of your body, our Téane Laboratories offer you products specially designed for postpartum mothers. Adopt our Fresh Firming Milk : this milk helps to tone and firm the skin of the stomach, thighs, etc. We also recommend our SOS Stretch Mark Balm to repair your skin and reduce the appearance of your stretch marks!

The return of the diaper is a normal and natural phase of the postpartum period. At Téane, we are here to support you with our products and advice, so that you can focus on what matters most: enjoying every moment with your baby. To find out more, visit our blog and discover our products dedicated to mothers.

FAQ: your other questions about diaper return

When should I worry if I haven't had my diaper return yet?

It is common to not return for several months, especially if you are breastfeeding your baby or taking hormonal birth control. However, if you do not have periods after a year , it is recommended to consult your doctor to check that everything is in order.

Is it normal to have more painful periods after giving birth?

The first postpartum period may be more painful due to hormonal changes and the uterus continuing to work to return to its normal size . If the pain is intense and persistent, consult your doctor to rule out any complications.

Can I use tampons or a menstrual cup after giving birth?

Generally, it is advisable to wait at least six weeks after giving birth before using tampons or a menstrual cup , to allow your body to heal properly. Discuss this with your gynecologist or midwife to get recommendations tailored to your situation.

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