Nausea of pregnancy: How to fight against your nausea?

Many expectant mothers suffer from pregnancy nausea . W hen does pregnancy nausea start? If these inconveniences only appear at the start of pregnancy in certain women, they can sometimes last for months. Due to the changes that occur in the body of the mother-to-be during pregnancy , pregnant women ask themselves different questions such as: “ Why do we feel nauseous when we are pregnant? » , “When does nausea appear in early pregnancy?” or “ When does pregnancy nausea stop?” » . In order to answer these questions, it is necessary to understand the reason for this nausea during pregnancy.

In this article, we will answer all the questions you have. Good reading !

Summary :

  • What is pregnancy nausea?
  • Why do you feel nauseous when you are pregnant?
  • When does pregnancy nausea start?
  • When does pregnancy nausea decrease?
  • What to do in case of abnormally severe nausea?
  • 7 Tips to Calm Pregnancy Nausea

What is pregnancy nausea?

First of all, this situation, experienced especially in the first hours of the day, is also defined as morning sickness . Although nausea often helps the mother-to-be realize she is pregnant, pregnancy nausea ends when the body gets used to the new hormonal order . This process can take time and be extremely difficult for some mothers-to-be.

In other words, pregnancy nausea is of a different intensity for each mother-to-be. While some pregnant women do not complain of nausea, others are unable to do their daily work because of this problem. However, some pregnant women may even complain of nausea throughout their pregnancy. Let's remember that nausea that occurs during pregnancy is a completely normal process.

Pregnancy, which begins with fertilization in the fallopian tubes, leads to a series of upheavals in the body of the future mother due to the hormones released. Since nausea occurs especially in the morning and the mother-to-be's senses become more acute during pregnancy, she may be disgusted by smells and tastes that she previously liked.

Pregnancy nausea is felt more intensely in the morning mainly because the mother-to-be is hungry after the nighttime fast. In future mothers who do not implement a nutrition program adapted to the state of pregnancy, nausea can reappear throughout the day. The intensity of nausea experienced during pregnancy also varies from person to person. However, some expectant mothers do not experience any nausea.

But actually why do we have nausea during pregnancy?

Different factors can explain this phenomenon:

  • The level of hormones,
  • The sensibility,
  • Tiredness,
  • Intense smells
  • Vitamin and mineral deficiency,
  • Foods high in sugar or fat,
  • inactivity,
  • The stress.

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When does pregnancy nausea start?

The reproductive system is controlled by hormones, expectant mothers experience certain physical and emotional changes during pregnancy.

Normally, the level of the hormone progesterone increases and menstrual bleeding occurs. However, if the egg is fertilized, the hCG hormone increases rapidly in the blood causing the body to react. One of them is nausea.

In general, nausea, which begins from the 5th week of pregnancy , is generally felt more intensely by primiparous women than by women with multiple pregnancies and can become much more severe from the 8th week onwards. At the end of this period, although the body gets used to the new hormonal level, nausea sometimes persists for some time.

When does pregnancy nausea subside?

Although each case is unique, it is generally from the 14th week of pregnancy that pregnancy nausea tends to disappear. Indeed, this reduction is explained by the fact that the placenta takes over from hormones to ensure the proper development of the future baby.

What to do in case of abnormally severe nausea?

Although 25% of women are not subject to nausea during pregnancy, some suffer from these inconveniences several times a day, affecting their daily life and their health. Or, the causes of nausea that lasts beyond the 17th week should also be investigated by your doctor . This is why it is recommended that the future mother undergo regular medical monitoring as soon as the pregnancy is planned.

7 Tips to Calm Pregnancy Nausea

How to relieve pregnancy nausea naturally? In order to find an answer to this question, here are the 7 tips to follow or that we recommend.

  1. An empty stomach further increases nausea, so you should eat in smaller quantities but more often . This way, nausea and heartburn will be reduced.
  2. Nausea is particularly intense when you are fasting . To start the day off right, have a small snack brought to you in bed. After 15 minutes, you will feel less of these discomforts when you get up! For breakfast, prefer dry foods . Avoid stimulants like coffee or tea. Prefer herbal tea.
  3. Avoid fried, spicy, acidic foods which increase stomach acid and increase nausea and vomiting.
  4. Protein intake should be higher during pregnancy. Consumption of eggs, dairy products, beans and grains should be increased. These foods are also rich in B vitamins with many benefits.
  5. It is not recommended to lie down immediately after eating in order to facilitate the digestion of food.
  6. Consider adding a few slices of lemon to your water or tea because the smell of lemon reduces nausea. Likewise, mixing a teaspoon of ginger and honey in the morning can be good for nausea.
  7. Stress, which also increases nausea in pregnant women. Doing yoga and relaxation is the best way to manage stress during pregnancy. Massages with massage oil can also cure morning sickness and vomiting. However, it is advisable to consult an expert in this regard.

The last tip but not the least...

In summary, during pregnancy, nausea generally occurs early in the morning, then may subside during the day. However, every pregnancy is different. If nausea and vomiting severely affects daily life, you should consult a doctor. Severe vomiting requires further investigation as it may indicate an underlying problem.

It is therefore important to think positively: stay calm, walk regularly, get some fresh air and spend quality time with your loved ones, focus on your baby, thinking that these problems are temporary!

Would you like to know more about your pregnancy, the development of your baby, and the steps to follow at each stage? Do not hesitate to consult our month by month pregnancy follow-up .

Bibliography and further reading

  • Dr. Blott, M. (2019). Your pregnancy day by day . ( 3rd edition) Paris: Larousse.
  • Cameron, E. (2014). Pregnancy and olfaction: A review . (Pregnancy and olfaction: A review.) Frontiers in psychology. 5. 67. 10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00067.
  • Murkoff E. Heidi and Mazel Sharon. (2009) What to Expect When You're Expecting. (What to Expect When You're Expecting a Baby) ( 4th edition) New York: Workman Publishing.
  • Roger W Harms. (2004) Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy ( 1st edition) New York: Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research.

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